Amboseli : The herbivores

Amboseli : The herbivores
2 min read
Much like in every park, we can find gazelles but here, there are some that aren’t nearly as present elsewhere : I present to you here, the Reedbuck
Reedbuck ou cobe des roseaux
Mâle Reedbuck ou cobe des roseaux

We can find zebras as well. With proper lightning, they become even more beautiful.

Zèbre or Zebra

Zèbre or Zebra

Amboseli is well known for its population of elephants, and particularly for being the home of the biggest tusker in Africa. By the way, before preparing this article, i read another [one] ( who announces good news for the pachydermic population. There was a “baby boom” with over 200 hundred births counted. What do you know, the fight against poaching is being fruitful.

Éléphanteau (baby elephant)
Maman avec son petit (mother with child)

Amboseli is well known for its population of elephants, and particularly for being the home of the biggest tusker in Africa. By the way, before preparing this article, i read another [one] ( who announces good news for the pachydermic population. There was a “baby boom” with over 200 hundred births counted. What do you know, the fight against poaching is being fruitful.

Famille d'éléphants (Elephant familly)
Eléphants alignés (Elephants)
Eléphants dans la plaine - Elephants in the plain

But Amboseli is also well know for its population of Big Tusker, elephants with enormous tusks to the point where they practically drag on the floor. We crossed the path of a Big Tusker named Michael

Big Tusker - Michaël 
Big Tusker - Michaël